Top Best 10 Gun Skins in FreeFire 2020-21

Top Best 10 Gun Skins in FreeFire 2020-21

1.Blue Flame Draco (AK)

The Blue Flame Draco AK skin is an Evo skin that includes features like hit, kill, firing effect, kill announcement, exclusive emote, etc.The skin was previously available in the Faded Wheel portion of Free Fire. However, today, it is very rare to find amongst Free Fire players.

2. Megalodon Alpha (Scar)

The Megalodon Alpha is an Evo gun skin that can be upgraded up to level seven. It boosts Scar's damage rate and doubles the fire rate. However, it reduces the weapon's reloading speed.

3. Apocalyptic Red (M1014)

Apocalyptic Red is also the best guns skin in Free Fire. It comes with animation on display and an overall red-golden color emerging from the barrel. It is even listed in the best weapon skins for each category in 2021.

This weapon skin can double the M1014 fire rate as well as the speed of reloading. Meanwhile, the magazine capacity may go down a tad bit.

4. Poker MP40 Yellow

The Poker MP40 has made the way back to Free Fire. This gun skin was released multiple months ago and already got a soft spot within players for its wonderful effects and color scheme. Well, the developers have now restocked this one-of-a-kind skin for gamers.

The Poker MP40 skin has four variants of hue:

1. Yellow: Flashing Spade

  • 2. Red: Blazing Heart
  • 3. Green: Eternal Diamond
  • 4. Blue: Dreamy Club

Same as other high-end Free Fire skins, the classic Poker MP40 also boosts the gun’s stats. There’s the reason why you can see professional gamers always equip their weapon cosmetics for a much better opportunity of winning duals.

5. Tropical Parrot M1887

The Tropical Parrot M1887 is the first legendary skin of this gun. Because of that, it is fairly popular and gets used a lot by the veterans of Free Fire, despite having no "double plus" buffs. When it was new, the Tropical Parrot M1887 was a force to be reckoned with. At the cost of a lower range, it can dish out insane damage at great accuracy.Pros often showcase their skills by performing one tap kill with this gun.

6. Predatory Cobra MP40

The MP40 is the strongest SMG in Free Fire and one of the strongest close-range weapons in Free Fire. It has an insane rate of fire and damage that can easily burst down enemies in close-range combats.

The Predatory Cobra MP40 Evolution skin gives the weapon 2 Damage buffs, 1 Rate of Fire buff while reducing the Reload Speed of the weapon. At Level 6, the skin also gives the weapon a bonus ability to deal bonus damage when you hit the target from behind.

7. M1014 Green Flame Draco Evolution Skin

The Free Fire M1014 Green Flame Draco Evolution skin has a total of 7 levels and it will unlock 8 different effects. You will need about 2000 Diamonds to fully upgrade the skin to the max level.

8. Genos M4A1 Skin 

The Genos M4A1 has the perfect combination of bonuses - Fire Rate ++ and Damage +. This is actually stronger than the other way around, as the faster your gun fires, the easier to get a drag headshot. The demerit of this skin is fairly irrelevant, as Magazine - can always be fixed with an extended quickdraw magazine.

This M4A1 is inspired by Genos' laser cannons that he can transform using his hands. The weapon looks super futuristic and is going to have golden electrical effects on its body.

9. SkS Hysteria

The Hysteria SKS is the best legendary skin for this gun - it is both the most powerful and the most beautiful. The pattern decorated on the gun looks super cool, with a clown's face painted on the body and various colorful details all over.

With double bonuses on Damage and Accuracy, the SKS Hysteria would be much more effective to score headshots.

10. Duke Swallowtail

Duke Swallowtail or Butterfly is pretty much the best and most powerful AWM skin in the game. It improves the AWM's greatest weakness of low fire rate at a pretty cheap cost of just a little reload speed. The Ammo bonus is just a cheery on top. The Duke is designed with a red and black theme, a perfect fit for a lot of sets in Free Fire.

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